Naturalist. He has concentrated his activities on the conservation of the marine environment, with particular reference to the study and conservation of sea turtles and cetaceans and the impact of fishing on protected species. He has collaborated with Universities and Research Institutions and contributed to the creation of guidelines, action plans and technical protocols promoted by the Ministry of the Environment and Protection of Land and Sea and other scientific Institutes. He was the technical manager of 5 LIFE projects, also carrying out coordination, training and awareness-raising activities for fishing operators, for teams of 12 sea turtles rescue centers in Italy, local comunities and tourists. He was scientific director of the Caprera Sailing Center as part of the ” Navigazione e Ambiente” project. He founded the Sea Turtles Rescue Center of Linosa (Sicily Island), of which he was also responsible for the monitoring of the nesting site.

Biologist, with Master’s degree as “Science Communiator for Marine Areas: Mediterranean and Tropics” at Bicocca University (Milan). She began her studies on the behavior of Octopus vulgaris at the Zoological Station Anton Dohrn of Naples and then concentrated on the research and conservation of sea turtles and the marine environment. She has collaborated on numerous projects in Greece (Kefalonia, Rhodes, Crete, Zakynthos) dealing with the collection of data on the nesting sites of Caretta caretta, their protection and raising awareness among tourists. She then continued to work for fifteen years as a marine biologist at the Sea Turtle Rescue Center of Linosa (Sicily Island). Her travels around the world have also taken her to Thailand where she has been following a conservation project on the island of Koh Phra Thong for more than twenty years. Here she deals not only with data collection, but also with coordinating volunteers and following students and interns, with raising awareness among the local population and tourists, including on mangroves and coral reefs.
In Viaggio con i Biologi few pictures of our story!